Do you find yourself rocking your head back and forth uncontrollably as you decimate untold hordes of pox-riddled heretics to Jesper Kyd's grotesquely catchy bangers? You're not alone!
Take the chance to show your appreciation to the legendary composer Jesper Kyd by nominating Darktide for the 2023 Steam Awards in the category - Best Soundtrack

But wait! There's more... In the spirit of celebrating the glorious soundtrack: We're giving away 3 OST Vinyls to 3 lucky winners!
Want to get your grimy hands on an Emperor-blessed vinyl? Send us a gameplay clip from one of your sessions where you think the music hits just right in funny, cool, or interesting ways. Edits are allowed and we don't have any hard requirements apart from the former, so get creative!
The winners will be chosen by devs from various disciplines. The competition ends on Dec 8 and the winners will be contacted shortly following that.
Upload your submission on Twitter or TikTok using: #DarktideSoundtrack or in the appropriate thread on the Fatshark Forums
We may use your gameplay clips on social media or our launcher to highlight the competition before it ends, but that doesn't necessarily mean you've won!
Instagram automatically blocked #darktidesoundtrack for reasons unknown to us. Please use either Twitter, TikTok or the Forums to upload your clips instead - we can see them there.